Fundraising millenial donors major gifts campaign

A special thank you to Jerry Panas

The Above Goal Podcast with Ken Jones is published every week on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher.

On the fifth episode of the Above Goal Podcast, Ken and his friend discuss fundraising gurus, using the internet to attract millennial donors, and how long it takes to secure a major gift for your organization. (Hint: think more money, more time!) Ken delivers the Lesson of the Week and hashes out five reasons your Major Gifts Program isn’t working - including socialite donors, a broken major donor pipeline, and neglecting to tell donors your organization’s story. The good news - all these problems have solutions, and major gifts can be the crown jewel of your fundraising efforts if you let it!



"The internet is your playground when it comes to [getting] millenials [interested in your cause]. You just have to get out of your regular way of doing things….there is a place for [different] marketing activities."









Leave a voicemail with your fundraising questions at (520) 355-5820 and we might just play your question out loud on the show!

A special thank you to Jerry Panas

The Above Goal Podcast with Ken Jones is published every week on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher.

On the fifth episode of the Above Goal Podcast, Ken and his friend discuss fundraising gurus, using the internet to attract millennial donors, and how long it takes to secure a major gift for your organization. (Hint: think more money, more time!) Ken delivers the Lesson of the Week and hashes out five reasons your Major Gifts Program isn’t working - including socialite donors, a broken major donor pipeline, and neglecting to tell donors your organization’s story. The good news - all these problems have solutions, and major gifts can be the crown jewel of your fundraising efforts if you let it!



"The internet is your playground when it comes to [getting] millenials [interested in your cause]. You just have to get out of your regular way of doing things….there is a place for [different] marketing activities."









Leave a voicemail with your fundraising questions at (520) 355-5820 and we might just play your question out loud on the show!

Above Goal

Campaigns are hard work. Above Goal makes it easier.

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